Posts Tagged ‘finger exercises’

One of the common problems for beginning guitar players is the difficulty of finger positioning when playing chords. In my opinion, the main reason for this is due to the fingers being weak and unaccustomed to these type of movements.

So how can we correct this?

Simply perform finger exercises!

The most common of all finger exercises is a modified version of the chromatic scale:


You probably already know how to read this basic tablature notation.  But if not, then no need to worry because it’s not difficult.  The || represents the nut of the guitar and each line represents the guitar’s six strings from top (#1 string, high “E”) to bottom (#6 string, low “E”). Finally, then the numbers 5, 6, 7, & 8 stand for the fret positions in the guitar’s fretboard.  Told you it was easy!

At first, you don’t have to pluck the strings. The important thing to remember is to make sure the fretting fingers are correctly placing the strings on the optimum location on the fretboard to make it sound properly.

The best way to make the string sound properly is to press the string on the area before the fret. Place just enough pressure to make the string make contact with the fret. You don’t really have to employ a bonecrushing grip on the guitar to make this happen, do you?

I guess not!

Then after doing the modified chromatic scales going down the fretboard, try going back from the high “E” string to the low “E” string:


Again, try to focus first on the proper way of placing the fretting fingers above the strings and feeling the connection between the string and the fret.

This is one of the most basic finger exercises one can do to strengthen their fingers.

Eventually, you can try mixing the combination up a bit. So instead of the first combination we tried, 5-6-7-8, how about making it different?

Say, 5-7-6-8?

Or 5-8-6-7?

It’s all up to you to mix it up and make it fun. We can’t deny the benefits you’ll reap once those fingers begin to get used to the exercises and start going to the right places at will.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to play the guitar?

Or how you can even start learning this wonderful instrument?

If your answer is a big “Yes!”, then, you’ve come to the right place, my friend! This is the place where you can begin to learn more about the guitar with beginner lessons you can easily follow and guitar-related articles for your reading pleasure. There’s also a page with practice songs for beginners. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to a more enjoyable life with the guitar as a companion, like me!

I made it my goal to inspire guitar beginners to study more about the guitar as a instrument of musical expression, with useful information and lessons!

Just click the links below and browse around. I’d appreciate your feedback and comments, it’s always nice to hear from the guests. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!

The Parts Of The Guitar
Choosing A Guitar (Part 1)
Choosing A Guitar (Part 2)
How To Tune A Guitar
Tuning The Guitar Using Natural Harmonics
Essential Open Chords For The Guitar Beginner
Additional Open Guitar Chords (Am, Dm, Em)
Note Recognition On The Guitar Fretboard
Basic Finger Strengthening Exercises
Basic Guitar Strumming Exercises
My Top 10 Classic Rock Bands!
My Top 10 Classic Rock Guitar Solos!
Ten Easy Rock Songs For Guitar Beginners
Ten Random Tips For Guitar Beginners
The Real Secret On How Learning To Play The Guitar
How To Keep Your Guitar’s Neck And Fretboard Clean
14 Steps To Install Pickups On A Strat-Type Guitar